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Celebration Time: 600 Instagram Followers

We just reached 600 subscribers on Instagram! “Thank you so very much!”   Caring Cradle is writing to you with a full heart. For some people, that number may seem hardly worth mentioning.  However, we treasure every single one of you. 600 followers of the Caring Cradle feel like 600 votes of support, and we…

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Caring Cradles Give Extra Time – What That Means to Familes

Caring Cradle

As you know, the Caring Cradle is a device that cools the body of a baby immediately following stillbirth. The facts are that the changes a baby’s body goes through may be difficult to view or manage.  The Caring Cradle can slow those changes down which then slows the need to separate the family and…

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The Legacy of Lincoln Herman – Soin Medical Center in Dayton Ohio

Again and again, the legacy of these babies shows us what compassion-in-action looks like. Their families honor their memories by giving in advance to other families who are unaware that stillbirth will become part of their future. We all would love to stop stillbirth and infant death. But the sad truth is we can not.…

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Finding Your Glimmer of Light

by Isabelle Baker, Caring Cradle Working for Caring Cradle has been a personal privilege for me as I am a Rainbow Baby and my mother never recovered from the stillbirth of her first child. I will write more about that later, but because of how my mother was NOT cared for, because there was no…

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